Protecting your property from the spoils of winter!

It is that time again. Summer is over and we must start preparing ourselves for the Winter months. Most of us will find joy in Winter from the changing of leaves, vacations in the snow, and getting together with our family over the holidays. Winter does however bring on new risks to our property, from frozen pipes to winter storms.

Each year we have folks with damage to their property that could have been minimized or prevented. The Homeowner that prepares now can reduce or eliminate the exposures to their property. Below is a list of things you should consider whether it is your primary, secondary or rental property.

  1. Check you gutter: if they need cleaning now is the time to complete that task. Clogged gutters will cause damage to your property!
  2. Check your pipes: Make sure all your pipes are wrap with insulation to prevent them from freezing. Damages from this issue cost Homeowners 1,000 of dollars each year.
  3. Eliminate cracks in your property: cracks will allow the elements to penetrate you home causing costly damage and will allow rodents, racoons, and the like to enjoy your property while you are gone.
  4. Control your temperature: set you heating to at least 65 degrees when your home is going to be vacant preventing hopefully frozen pipes and other issues.
  5. Service your appliances: all mechanics used to operate your home should be checked annually.
  6. Evaluate the surroundings of your home: make sure trees are away from your property and limbs are trimmed.

You and I both know we cannot prevent everything, but we can minimize much of the issues during this time of year. Also, they are many sites online that will give you additional information. Having a claim and then realizing it could have been prevented is not a thought you want this winter!  Let us know things you do to protect your property and we will update our list. Stay safe and enjoy the season.

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